VFW Post 2167 Willard Eugene "Curly" Keller

Veterans Strengthening America
Contact Us
Our purpose is to enhance the well-being of America's veterans, their families, our military, and our communities by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.
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VFW Post 2167 Mission Statement

VFW's mission statement is "to foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts and to serve our veterans, the military, and our communities and advocate on behalf of all veterans." This mission statement reflects what the association does to protect the rights of the veterans and their families who gave invaluable service to America's history through their love for their country and dedication to the service by protecting her from all her enemies.
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Veterans Connect

Veterans, if you want to belong to a great organization, make a difference in our community and support your brother veterans, then stop by our post. Willard Eugene "Curly" Keller Post 2167 in Fayetteville TN.
Jack Buck
VFW Commander

Regular Events:

Monthly meetings

Monthly Meetings

Monthly meetings take place on the 4th Monday of the month at 18:00.
Free bingo

Free Bingo

Free Bingo is scheduled for the 2nd and the 4th Tuesday of the month.
Free breakfast

Free Breakfast

Free breakfast is available on the 2nd Saturday of every month and is open to the public.

Request A Flag

Fill out the form below to request a flag or call us at (931)-993-1311.